Leslie Young

WE Advisory Board
Leslie A. Young, Ph.D., has enjoyed serving wellness and beauty professionals since 2002 through her roles at Massage & Bodywork magazine, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP), Associated Skin Care Professionals, and Associated Hair Professionals. In the United States, ABMP represents more than 80,000 therapists practicing more than 300 therapeutic modalities. As Vice President of Communication and Professional Outreach for these sister associations, Leslie is the ambassador for ABMP Associate membership which delivers more than 600 hours of online continuing education and an array of benefits to practitioners around the world. She’s delighted to partner with Stephanie Rest and the Caribbean Wellness & Education team because all share a mission to bring quality continuing education to practitioners and spa owners, and help them elevate their allied professions.
Leslie’s proud to be a donor, volunteer, and former trustee for the Massage Therapy Foundation and loves furthering its goals of supporting related research, education, and community service projects. In 2017, the foundation awarded her its John Balletto Distinguished Service Award. She’s the 2019 keynote speaker for the World Massage Festival and was inducted into the Massage Therapy Hall of Fame in 2011.
An avid diver since 1994, Leslie’s been a PADI scuba instructor since 1996 and loves travelling the world, and exploring the ocean and other cultures. Back home in Colorado, she thrives on time with her family, horses, cat, and gardening.