7 Wellness Minutes with Jahmaal

Meet our Speakers from the Wellness Mastermind Day Monday, June 24th in Miami!
Jahmaal Hays is a multicultural meditation master and healing practitioner. He is a global citizen – born in Jamaica, and having lived throughout the Caribbean, Europe, and later India for five years. He holds a degree in Alternative Medicine and has a vast knowledge of yoga gained through healing masters and sages in Southeast Asia. Jahmaal observes the scientifically proven as well as esoteric practices, combining ancient and modern knowledge for profound experiences.
1) How did you get started in your current career path?
I began teaching yoga and realized first-hand that the human is the most amazing set of process and instructions – the most incredible machine created. It is so important to take care of that I have helped others learn to improve their bodies and minds.
2) Where do you see the wellness industry heading in the future?
The wellness industry will become more integrated with the healthcare field and in all other aspects of our lives as society becomes more educated on personal wellness.
3) What is the biggest challenge that you think we face today in wellness?
Education. Holding on to old paradigms (just look at the food pyramid). Educating the masses on wellness as a habit.
4) Is there a practice that you recommend for staying on track to achieve your goals?
Mindfulness. Be aware of your intentions and feelings. It’s ok if you lose track, just remember to get back on.
5) What podcasts, books, magazines, events or courses do you utilize to develop professionally?
I follow entrepreneurs and wellness educators. Examples: Shark Tank, Gary V., Jordan Peterson, and Andrew Weil. I read books on business and on health. Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill, and the various books on emotional intelligence by Dan Goleman have been at the top of the list lately.
6) How do you balance work and life? What is your favorite self-care practice?
I don’t believe in work and life balance. We can’t truly separate them so it’s important to direct our energies wisely. My favorite self-care practice is music. Playing music, listening to music, playing healing sounds for myself…
7) Who have your role models been and what have you learned from them?
Have to dig deep for this one. I try to learn lessons from everything and everyone, but wouldn’t call anyone a role model. To name a couple of people though, Nikola Tesla and Elon Musk are people I look up to for having a vision of wanting to help many people and despite the odds or how many people think it's impossible, you can still succeed.